TEDx Talk Now Live

Thanks to everyone backing this KickStarter, things got bigger than I imagined they ever would. 

After this project's success, things went semi-viral and my art was featured on multiple television programs, dozens of print and online pieces, earned Second Place and over $20,000 in an international Robot Art Competition, and oh yeah, the coolest thing was my recent TEDx Talk which you can check out here 


When this started out, I had a goal of two exhibitions.  I consider the TEDx Talk to be the first.  I have another exhibition in the works that may be even bigger, but its far from a sure thing right now, so stay tuned for news on that one if I can pull it off. 

Until then you can enjoy the TEDx Talk that you made possible!


TEDx Talk

So TEDx Talk went great. Below is a picture taken during my talk by the very first backer of this project, Jessie. 


Oh yeah, a couple other local backers also showed up for the talk, so big thanks to them! And a big thanks to all of you cause I am pretty certain I wouldn't have gotten this far without the success of this Kickstarter and all the press it has gotten. Things have snowballed since this all started and it is pretty much thanks to your backing.

The TEDx Talk is still a little surreal. I will send you all a link to the video as soon as its public. I haven't seen it yet but I didn't trip or mumble, so I think it went well.

Am continuing down list of paintings I owe to backers.  I have contacted you if you are in queue for next couple weeks.  As always if you need a portrait rushed for a special event, or just because, contact me and I will bump you to front of queue.

Thanks for making all this possible,

TEDx Talk this Weekend

As you all probably know I have a TEDx Talk on Saturday.  It has sort of taken over all my free time so I have fallen behind on portraits the past couple of weeks.  Will have new schedule early next week. But if you are in DC area and interested in the talk or seeing who else is talking visit http://www.tedxfoggybottom.net. If you can not make it, no worries, I will post the video to you all as soon as it comes out.

Another Cool Video Feature and Schedule for Next Paintings

First off wanted to share this cool feature by America's Greatest Makers.  It includes footage of my kids so its my favorite feature yet. Also like it 'cause it clearly explains a lot about what I am doing in 2 quick minutes.


Schedule wise, here is list of people slated for portraits in next two weeks.  I have also contacted you via private email to work out the details. The list is...

Nick, Michelle, Brian, Dave, Chris, and William.

Thanks again, and as always feel free to contact me to expedite your painting.  I am working down the list and bumping priority to anyone that needs something for birthday or special event.

New Robot Design Finalized - Will be ready in 3-6 months...

Getting through your paintings at about 3 a week,  Will post schedule of next 6 portraits some time around Sunday. If you need yours sooner than later, let me know.

CMYKW NeuralJet Printer

So I am zeroing in on the final design of bitPaintr. Above is a quick sketch of the concept that I am leaning towards. In addition to an artist's brush, I am adding between 3 and 6 airbrushes that will operate very similar to an inkjet printer by mixing Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, and Black ink to try and replicate as many colors in the spectrum as possible. Better than an inkjet, it will also include White and possibly some other mystery ink or finish. The airbrushes will not replace the brush, but be used for quickly filling in backgrounds.  Another concept that I am considering is to let humans paint with the artist brush while allowing the robot's AI to paint with the airbrushes.  Thinking of calling it a NeuralJet Printer.


But don't worry, this will not be a printer in the traditional sense. I promise that it will be just as messy and ridiculous as all my previous robots.  I have never even used an airbrush before, so I have no idea how I am going to program my robot to use one. Another way I am leaving my comfort zone is following the advice of my friend Mark to switch to pneumatics. Mark has also been telling me to use airbrushes for years now. I am finally listening to all his advice. Before last week, I didn't even know how to spell pneumatics and I had never used an airbrush. Despite this I fully intend to convert my robot into an air powered system in the next 3-6 months.

Exciting New Development...

Things continue to move forward on several fronts but the most exciting development is that I just signed a contract to give a TEDx Talk at the TEDxFoggyBottom Conference on April 23rd. Still working on what exactly I will be talking about, but am leaning towards Artificial Creativity. I have been asked not to share this information on social media as the conference organizers would like to control the publicity, but they were ok with me sharing it with the backers of the Kickstarter that made all of this possible.  

Thanks again everyone.

On a more practical front, all the Christmas portraits look like they will be finished in time and sent out by this weekend. I will be talking a couple week break after that, then writing up another schedule for the next batch of portraits.

Happy Holidays,

Photo Submission Guidelines and Quick Update

So about half of you backers have responded to the questionnaire and sent in photos. Some followed the guidelines I gave in earlier post, but most of you just ignored them. So then I realized that you all don't want me telling you what to submit.

Send in whatever you want. I was convinced that some of the submission below wouldn't work, but then they came out great! So what do I know. If you do send in a non-standard image, just have patients with my robots early attempts.   If my existing algorithms have  a hard time with the image, we will just try painting a second one. It will be up to you.

Schedule wise, I have already begun painting some portraits that are needed for Christmas presents. Will have a schedule of when you can expect your paintings as soon as some more questionnaires come back.  If you have not filled out the questionnaire I sent out, please do.  If you need portrait as a Christmas present, please tell me as soon as possible.  The slots are just about full but if its really important to you, its really important to me and I will see what I can do.

Inside Scoop on Press Coverage

The following is a behind the scenes picture of a CBS piece that will be airing in early December.  Sorry for quality, at least it was not vertical.  It is first time I have gotten national coverage, so I am really excited about it. The reporter is Weijia Jiang.  Mo is holding camera and the the back of the head you see is producer Jane Chick. Off screen is Jess. All awesome people.


Besides this piece, the other 2 video segments will be on Great Day Washington and Daily Planet of the Discovery Channel.  Still no dates as to when any will air, but I will post here as soon as I know.

Thanks to Everyone the Kickstarter is Fully Funded and I can Enjoy this Final Week

I am so relieved that heading into this last week that everything is completely funded. People can still make more pledges, but they are no longer needed for success.  

Now I am just enjoying reading people reaction to this project in the various write ups online. Also, I just finished two interviews, one for the local CBS affiliate WUSA9, and a second for CBS's national affiliates.

CBS Interview

To recap on status of all the television interviews, Daily Planet of Discovery Channel told me their piece would air soon.  WUSA9 tells me that they may be able to air their interview with me as early as Wednesday, the last day of the Kickstarter.  And the film crew for CBS's national affiliates thinks they will air in next couple of weeks.  It is so cool to be able to relax and just look forward to these events and how my art comes across on screen.

Thanks again for all your interest and help with this.  It has really brought my work into focus.  I will give updates here on the air dates as soon as they are announced.

bitPaintr is 100% Funded! Thank You!

Hi everyone. 

The project is fully funded and will go on!

I am really humbled by this whole Kickstarter experience. I wasn't actually expecting so much support for this idea and I really appreciate all the attention it is getting.  The publicity has been great and I have had a chance to meet a bunch of new people as well as reconnect with old friends and patrons.  It's been so much fun.

As a thank you for funding this so early, I have decided that once the new robot is 100% complete, the first thing it will paint is a limited edition postcard for each and every backer that has gotten it this far. Not sure what it will paint yet but each will be signed and numbered. When you get this postcard, you will know the robot is complete and that you played an important part in making it happen.

Thanks again. And wow,  this has been so cool.

Publicity Update and International Press

So we are at 80%. Almost there. 

This is quick update on interviews and international publicity.  Daily Planet of Discovery Channel should be telling me sometime soon about the air date.  Will keep you all in loop. Also have another interview this coming Thursday for a local lifestyle program that runs from 9-10 on WUSA 9.  I am told that this segment and interview is scheduled to air on the final day of the Kickstarter.  So that rocks. - 

Oh yeah I promised international press.  Well here is a Latin American, Indonesian, and Russian write up.  Google will translate them for you.




Lets keep on pushing to 90% of funding.  

Discovery Channel Just Interviewed Me

So the big interview I wasn't going to announce until it actually happened just happened yesterday.

The Daily Planet of Discovery Channel spent the day with me at my Tysons Studio.

Discovery Channel Interview

At the same time a second camera crew was in Toronto filming one of my first patrons using the robot to paint a portrait.  It was an international painting event as we worked back and forth on what I am told will be a five minute segment.  I can not wait to see it and will tell everyone when the air date will be.

So thanks again for everyone's support.  We are almost at 40% of funding with two weeks to go.  If you know anyone that might want to join in this journey, feel free to tell them about this Kickstarter and what a great Christmas Present these paintings would be. I can do the next 30 or so in time before Christmas!

Think word of mouth. I am relying on it.

We Just Hit the Significant Milestone of 30% Funding!

By some accounts, 30% of funding is a magic number that once reached means a 90% success rate for the Kickstarter effort.  Upon reading about this magical milestone, I was intrigued and started looking at funding percentages of other recently completed Kickstarters. And after this scrutiny I have concluded that someone probably made that stat up.  A large proportion of projects die between 30% and 99%.

But that doesn't matter.  It is still a really respectable number going into the final two weeks of the campaign.  Furthermore, at this point the press, publicity, and support from all of you has been great.  So thanks.

Oh. One more bit of news.  I have an interesting day tomorrow with the biggest interview to date.  A film crew with The Daily Planet of the Discovery Channel Canada will be visiting me in my studio.  I will try to get pictures of the event to share with you all.

Talk to you later,

Just Got First Couple of Press Shout Outs

Exciting Day.  

Just got a couple new backers and some mentions in the press.  Welcome all.

One of the press write ups was by PJ Pangburn for Vice's Creator Project and its one of my favorite write ups ever.  Pangburn makes me sound so cool.  I didn't even realize my project was as cool as the article made it sound. A link is right here


This Robot Wants to Paint Your Portrait


Also landed 3 interviews in next week.  All this as I am only starting the press part of my campaign.

So thanks to everyone that has supported me to date.  And remember that if you email or send me the photo that you want made into a portrait, I can start them now. Even better I can have them ready to show as samples during my upcoming interviews.  I don't want to jinx any of them, but one is by a cool big international media company that you are probably a fan of.  I actually had a hard time believing they were interested but I think they are, well at least interested enough to come ask me more about it.  As soon as I have more details on each of the upcoming 3 interviews, I will let you know.  In the meantime, get your portraits in so I can be seen working on them during the interviews.

Thanks again for everything and continue spreading the word, I am depending on it.


Just Finished First Press Release

Thanks to all the early backers.  I just finished the press release and will start sending it out today.  As soon as I get the first response I will update everyone here.  This is proving to be an interesting experience.

Never promoted myself before and am having fun with it.

Cyber Raid on Crowdsourced Portrait?

These are possibly the most interesting painting to date. The video of their creation contains a detailed description of our experience with several recent crowdsourced paintings, vandalism of them, a hack of our robot communications, and an attempt to log into and steal control of our servers.  This attack was actually featured in a TechTimes article that you can find in the press section.

My favorite painting to come out of all these raids asked the profound question...

Is it Art?

Also, here is a graphics dump of one of the painting's stroke queue. Amazing Stuff.